2024 Christmas Baskets

How you can help?

Christmas's joy and mystery are important in any child's life, but for many families struggling to meet their basic needs, Christmas is a luxury. The Westminster Christmas Basket Program helps create “Christmas” in homes that would otherwise never know this simple joy.
Help make an Indianapolis child's Christmas special this year by sponsoring a child. The link below will take you to a sign-up where you can pick a child. It will include the child's name, age, gender, and gift request, along with pant size (for underwear) and shoe size (for socks).
We ask that you purchase the gift requests along with a winter hat, gloves, socks, and underwear. Please keep the gift valued at $25.00 or less. We do ask that you wrap the gift but not the clothing items.
Gifts can be shipped to Westminster or dropped off.
We do ask that gifts be turned in by Friday, December 6th.
IMPORTANT: Please be sure to note the ID on all gifts when dropped off or mailed! This is crucial to helping ensure the correct gifts get to the children!​​

Donate Items
Westminster is extremely lucky to partner with so many great companies, churches, and organizations to help provide food and hygiene items. We are still in need of a few items. ​
Cereal *Cheerios and Rice Crispies are popular
Peanut Butter *any brand 16 oz or more
Jelly *any flavor
Toilet Paper *4-pack rolls
Boy's underwear sizes 2t-16
Men's underwear *sizes S-L
Men's gloves
Men's hats
Women's gloves
Women's hats
We ask that all items be turned in by Friday, December 6th.​
Items can be dropped off at our office or mailed to:
Westminster Neighborhood Services
Attn: Christmas Baskets
2325 E New York St
Indianapolis, IN 46201