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About Us

In 1982, three Near Eastside neighborhood churches, including Westminster Presbyterian Church, began serving youth during a summer program in order to combat poor student achievement while providing a safe environment during summer months while students are out of school. Those three church partnerships ended, but Westminster’s youth program grew to include afterschool programming and a mentoring program.


Recognizing that the neighborhood’s needs extended beyond the children and into to the families, Westminster began offering a soup kitchen and food pantry one day a week. In 2014, Westminster opened doors to its new 17,000 square ft Family & Adults Services Center which offers one of the city’s largest food pantries, a fully equipped catering kitchen, large dining room, and three large classrooms.


Today, Westminster partners with more than 20 community organizations to assist with program services.  Partnerships enable Westminster to continue to expand our youth programming and open our food pantry and soup kitchen three times a week.

The neighborhood we serve

Get to know our neighbors 2023  (1).png

Our impact on the Near Eastside


Family and Adult Services

We strive to provide wrap-around services that assist our neighbors who are struggling financially. The food pantry, soup kitchen, and A Better Way Outreach all provide families with basic needs. We serve our community best by reaching the whole family.


Youth Services Program

Seeks to provide a safe, nurturing environment which reinforces and enriches academic skills, teaches social skills, encourages good citizenship, develops leadership traits and provides activities to encourage a healthy lifestyle for children ages 6-14.


Community Partnerships

By partnering with outside organizations that excel in their experience, we are able to offer valuable programs that meet the need of families living within Westminster’s service area, such as health and wellness classes and financial literacy.


Our Services

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